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Bedlington Terrier

Price range

$1500.00 - $3800.00

Common names

Rothbury Terrier, Rodbery Terrier, Rothbury Lamb, Gypsy dog



Dog group

Terrier Group

Coat length




Kid friendly

Extra high

Life expectancy

12 to 14 years

Would you like to know what it would cost to insure an Bedlington Terrier? Find out by getting a free quote, with petsy pet insurance.

As Seen in

What does an Bedlington Terrier look like?

General Appearance of the Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington have a unique, unmistakable look with a striking resemblance to a lamb. They have a narrow head, an unusual coat and small, almond-shaped eyes.

Their triangular ears have rounded ''cotton-puff''tips and are a thin, velvety texture displaying a mild, gentle expression but isn't shy or nervous.

This graceful breed is alert, full of immense energy and courage. and make an excellent water dog. They are a terrier at heart.

Available in these colours

What colours do Bedlington Terrier come in?

Bedlington Terrier come in a variety of colours, including Blue and Tan, Sandy, White, White, Blue and Tan, Liver and Tan, White, White.

All about the
Bedlington Terrier.

The Bedlington Terrier is a small dog named after Bedlington, a mining town in Northumberland, England. The Bedlington Terrier was bred to hunt but has since been used in dog racing, a variety of dog sports, conformation competitions, and as a companion dog.

Bedlington Terriers are noted for their unusual, almost lamb-like look and for being very sweet-natured dogs. They are respectful of their loved ones and are known for being rambunctious, charming, and full of fun. This breed is energetic, caring dogs that excel because they are surrounded by people and have lots to do. They like being outside and can make excellent companion dogs for owners who need a lot of attention.

They have a sighthound in their family tree, most likely a Whippet, based on the curvy contours. Bedlingtons have a light, springy walk and can run like the tide when roused to chase. For an active family searching for a non-shedding, vibrant, and faithful companion, the Bedlington Terrier could be a great match.

All about the Bedlington Terrier adult stats


Low 7.00 KG

High 10.00 KG


Low 38.00 cm

High 42.00 cm


Low 7.00 KG

High 10.00 KG


Low 41.00 cm

High 44.00 cm

Bedlington Terrier.

Characteristics & Tendencies:

Exercise needs
Grooming needs

Care and Maintenance


How much do
Bedlington Terrier eat?
1.00 to 1.50 cups of food a day


How much
exercise do they need?
20 to 40 Mins


Are they kid friendly? They are considered a gentle breed that is perfect for families with children.


Do they need a lot of space? As long as they have space where they can run and play, this dog should be well.

Frequently asked questions about the Bedlington Terrier.

Bedlington Terriers are low shedders; however, they have a woolly coat that requires clipping and scissoring to avoid their coat becoming a knotted mess.

Most Bedlington owners visit a groomer as grooming is known to be difficult and time-consuming. Their nails will also need to keep them from becoming overly long.

Bedlingtons require a brush at least once or twice a week of a brush to make sure their fur doesn't get matted, but many owners find keeping their fur shorter helps keep it in good condition.

They are likely to need a trim every 6-8 weeks, and like with other breeds, the Bedlington's nails should be trimmed regularly because overly long nails can cause them pain and problems when walking and running.

Bedlingtons excel at agility exercises because they are fast, agile, and eager to learn new things. This is a fantastic way to keep their body and mind engaged while still assisting you in bonding with your dog.

The Bedlington Terrier will require at least an hour of exercise daily. This can ideally be divided into several walks during the day, including opportunities to sniff around and race off-leash in a safe environment. Your Bedlington also needs brief, diverse training sessions to help them learn new commands. Lots of exercise and outdoor activities will keep your Bedlington happy and healthy.

Bedlingtons need regular visits to their vet, at least twice a year is recommended. Most of them are prone to have ear problems such as inflammation and ear infections.

Like any breed, their wellness should be checked to guarantee that your dog is safe and comfortable at all phases of life.

Bedlington Terriers are generally patient and accommodating, especially around children. Their small size and playful disposition have made them famous as family pets because they can live in both the city and the countryside as long as they have enough room to run and play.

This breed is affectionate! They are also known for their love for their family. They are considered a gentle breed that is perfect for families with children.

Bedlingtons are intelligent dogs that get bored easily, so they respond best to constructive, reward-based training that should begin at a young age and be done in short sessions.

To keep their minds busy, try making their training sessions exciting and varied. Consistency is crucial with all teaching, and it's important to keep emphasizing the good behaviours you want in your dog.

Patience and a good sense of humour will come in handy as they are known for being fairly strong-willed.

Bedlingtons are usually known to be very sociable and can get along with other dogs, especially if they are well-socialized with them at an early stage. Some can get wary and hostile to unknown dogs, so they would really need early socialization lessons to help them get acquainted with a variety of other breeds, making them more likely to get along with other dogs later in life.

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Optional Extra Benefits

During the application process You will be provided with the option to include Optional Extra Benefits that cover certain conditions and Treatments which are not otherwise covered under the Policy.


The Optional Extra Benefits are:

Alternative Therapies, Behavioural Problems, and Dental Illness.


Examples of Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy

Examples of Behavioural Problems: Excessive licking, fur pulling, pacing and destructive


Examples of Dental Illnesses: Dental diseases, gingivitis, periodontal disease.