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West Highland White Terrier

Price range

$1200.00 - $2500.00

Common names

Poltalloch Terrier, Roseneath Terrier, White Roseneath Terrier,



Dog group

Terrier Group

Coat length



Extra high

Kid friendly

Extra high

Life expectancy

12 to 16 years

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As Seen in

What does an West Highland White Terrier look like?

General Appearance of the West Highland White Terrier

Westies have bright, deep-set, almond-shaped eyes that are dark in colour. Their ears are pointed and erect.

West Highland white terriers are immediately identifiable by their dense, harsh white coats. These are fairly short coats but tough enough to push through brambles and harsh enough to shed dirt easily.

Available in these colours

What colours do West Highland White Terrier come in?

West Highland White Terrier come in a variety of colours, including White, White.

All about the
West Highland White Terrier.

The West Highland White Terrier, also known as the Westie, is an intelligent and affectionate dog breed from Scotland. Initially, they were bred to hunt otters, foxes and vermin. The Westie has a shaggy, white coat, weighs from 6.8 to 9.1 kg, and measures 25 to 28 cm. They are well known for their deep-set eyes and pointed, erect ears.

Because of their high tendencies to bark, Westies make excellent watchdogs. They have strong hunting instincts, which explains their inquisitive, adventurous nature and tendency to dig holes and chase smaller animals such as rabbits and hamsters.

Westies are self-assured breeds that get along well with other dogs as long as they have been properly trained. In general, they are social dogs that love spending time with their humans.

All about the West Highland White Terrier adult stats


Low 6.00 KG

High 7.00 KG


Low 23.00 cm

High 28.00 cm


Low 7.00 KG

High 10.00 KG


Low 25.00 cm

High 30.00 cm

West Highland White Terrier.

Characteristics & Tendencies:

Exercise needs
Grooming needs

Care and Maintenance


How much do
West Highland White Terrier eat?
0.75 to 1.00 cups of food a day


How much
exercise do they need?
30 to 60 Mins


Are they kid friendly? This breed is a good choice if you have children


Do they need a lot of space? Their compact size can be great for smaller homes, as long as they have access to adequate outdoor space

Frequently asked questions about the West Highland White Terrier.

Westies are low to moderate shedders. They are also hypoallergenic dogs, making them ideal for owners with allergies. They have relatively short, dense white coats which can shed dirt quickly. They also have a double coat, consisting of a softer undercoat and a more complex outer coat. Regular brushing will help lessen the amount of hair shedding.

This breed does not need a lot of grooming, but the feathering will need regular combing, brushing with a stiff bristle brush and trimming at least once a week. Their nails should be trimmed at least once or twice a month if your dog doesn't wear them down naturally, this will help to prevent any painful tears and other problems.

Westies generally require less exercise compared to some other, more energetic breeds. 20 to 40 minutes of exercise a day, thorough walks and play sessions will help to keep them happy. Inside the house, Westies are generally calm. Westies love playtime, as well as digging, running and chasing smaller creatures. Because of their natural hunting instincts, it is not recommended to leave your Westie off-leash in any open areas especially near wildlife. Westie's natural terrier ability can be tested through dog sports, including agility, flyball, obedience and rally. Some Westies enjoy swimming but they must be supervised at all times.

Westies are hardy dogs with fewer health-related issues in their lifetime. They may be susceptible to 'Westie jaw', which affects their skull, as well as Legg-Perthes disease and cataracts. Visiting the vet regularly is essential to their overall health and wellbeing. However, the frequency of treatment and checkups will depend on the dog.

Twice a year, health check visits with your vet are essential to ensure your Westie is happy and healthy throughout their life. In these annual visits, your vet will complete a physical examination, take your dog's temperature and check his heartbeat, among other things. Routine maintenance for your dog gives you a chance to track your dog's growth and development and discuss your vet's concerns.

West Highland White Terriers are inquisitive, independent dogs who make excellent family pets and playmates for children of all ages. Despite their physical energy, they have a relatively calm temperament. They can be sensitive and reserved around new people, but they are rarely aggressive. They are also known to get along well with children and other pets in the house.

Westies are independent and can be a bit stubborn, making it challenging to train them. They also possess the instincts to dig holes and bite. Training should start as early as possible, and incorporating various creative and positive reinforcement methods are recommended to help with behaviour correction. They are fast learners when trained early in their life. Their excessive barking may become a concern, so early socialisation with other dogs and animals and proper disciplinary training should be done to prevent this. A Westie may need its training to be refreshed at a later stage in its life.

Westies are generally social with other dogs and are suitable for multi-dog households. However, male Westies may show dislike towards one another. Westies are friendly toward other dogs if they have been properly trained by their owner. Westies can adapt and tolerate cats with enough socialisation; however, you should note that they have a strong prey drive. They will usually chase and sometimes attack smaller animals, including hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits. Socialising them at a young age is advisable to help with relationship-building.

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Optional Extra Benefits

During the application process You will be provided with the option to include Optional Extra Benefits that cover certain conditions and Treatments which are not otherwise covered under the Policy.


The Optional Extra Benefits are:

Alternative Therapies, Behavioural Problems, and Dental Illness.


Examples of Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy

Examples of Behavioural Problems: Excessive licking, fur pulling, pacing and destructive


Examples of Dental Illnesses: Dental diseases, gingivitis, periodontal disease.