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Standard Poodle

Price range

$700.00 - $5000.00

Common names

Pudelhund Caniche



Dog group

Non-Sporting Group

Coat length



Extra high

Kid friendly

Extra high

Life expectancy

10 to 18 years

Would you like to know what it would cost to insure an Standard Poodle? Find out by getting a free quote, with petsy pet insurance.

As Seen in

What does an Standard Poodle look like?

General Appearance of the Standard Poodle

They are active and elegant dogs with a proud gait and athletic posture.

The Standard Poodle has a graceful, medium-sized frame with a rounded skull, a long head and muzzle, dark oval eyes and wide, close-hanging ears. They have long legs that give them a springy step, docked tails (usually) and compact feet.

Poodles standards vary in dimensions depending on the country and local standards.

Available in these colours

What colours do Standard Poodle come in?

Standard Poodle come in a variety of colours, including Apricot, Black, Blue, Brown, Silver, White, Black, Black.

All about the
Standard Poodle.

The Standard Poodle is the largest variety of the Poodle breed. Their origin is still uncertain. Some say they originated from Germany, while some argue that they came from France. They were used to retrieve waterfowl for hunters. They are valued for their intelligence and good manners, eventually being used in circuses and dog shows and, of course, as companions.

Their appearance is giving us the impression of elegance and grace. Their dark oval eyes and their hanging ears are adorable, especially that their skulls are rounded with defined flat cheekbones! They tend to have a leggy appearance and long muzzles. Their coat is such a stellar! It is, in fact, their crowning glory!

This breed is active, playful, and extremely intelligent. They are lively, active, and fun-loving family dogs with a sense of humour. They are energetic and fun-loving, making them excellent watchdogs. They also enjoy participating in any activity that their owners are in! They are adaptable to their surroundings and relatively simple to train, so it's no surprise that they were once very popular in dog shows.

All about the Standard Poodle adult stats


Low 45.00 KG

High 60.00 KG


Low 46.00 cm

High 61.00 cm


Low 45.00 KG

High 70.00 KG


Low 46.00 cm

High 61.00 cm

Standard Poodle.

Characteristics & Tendencies:

Exercise needs
Grooming needs

Care and Maintenance


How much do
Standard Poodle eat?
0.75 to 1.00 cups of food a day


How much
exercise do they need?
20 to 30 Mins


Are they kid friendly? May become impatient with smaller children


Do they need a lot of space? Well suited to both large homes and small spaces

Frequently asked questions about the Standard Poodle.

Standard Poodle tends to be very light shedders. This makes them suitable for dog owners who have sensitivity to fur. Occasional baths and weekly brushings with a horsehair mitt or de-shedding glove to pull away dead hairs will help to keep him in beautiful condition.

Grooming them does not require much work. Clippers or a combination of clippers and stripping (a method in which the coat is thinned and shortened using a sharp, comb-like tool called a stripping knife) can be used to trim their coat. If your dog's nails don't break off naturally, trim them once or twice a month to avoid painful tears and other issues.

Check their lips, ears, nose, throat, eyes, and feet for sores, rashes, or symptoms of illness such as redness, tenderness, or inflammation. Ears should have a pleasant odour and be free of wax or gunk, and eyes should be clean and free of redness or discharge. Make grooming a positive experience filled with praise and rewards, and you'll lay the groundwork for easy veterinary exams and other handling when he's an adult.

A good amount of healthy exercises are needed for Standard Poodle, far more than for the average dog. Besides brisk walks, try to give your dog some time to run around a fenced yard off-leash. They love participating in obedience, agility, and rally competitions. It is best practice to plan their exercise activities to keep them interesting for your dog.

Scheduled six-monthly health check visits with your vet are important to ensure they are healthy and happy throughout all life stages. In these annual visits, your vet will complete a physical examination, take your dog's temperature and check their heartbeat, among other things.

Routine maintenance for your dog gives you a chance to track your dog's growth and development, discuss any concerns with your vet, and form a key part of preventative care.

Standard Poodles make excellent family dogs because they are fun, energetic, intelligent, and easy to train. They thrive with plenty of mental and physical exercise and prefer to spend the majority of their time with others. Socialization should begin at a young age and should include other people, other pets, and the grooming routine.

Standard Poodles are extremely trainable. They recognize patterns quickly and don't require much motivation or reward other than treats. They are natural learners, which makes for enjoyable canine training sessions for both them and their owners. It's best to get them into a puppy training class by ten to twelve weeks of age.

Standard Poodles are generally calm and accepting of other domestic pets. They enjoy making new friends and playing with them, especially when they are properly socialized at an early age. A play-date with another dog of the same breed is good company for them and will make them get enough physical activity.

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Optional Extra Benefits

During the application process You will be provided with the option to include Optional Extra Benefits that cover certain conditions and Treatments which are not otherwise covered under the Policy.


The Optional Extra Benefits are:

Alternative Therapies, Behavioural Problems, and Dental Illness.


Examples of Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy

Examples of Behavioural Problems: Excessive licking, fur pulling, pacing and destructive


Examples of Dental Illnesses: Dental diseases, gingivitis, periodontal disease.