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Price range

$1500.00 - $2000.00

Common names

English Greyhound



Dog group

Hound Group

Coat length



Extra high

Kid friendly

Extra high

Life expectancy

10 to 14 years

Would you like to know what it would cost to insure an Greyhound? Find out by getting a free quote, with petsy pet insurance.

As Seen in

What does an Greyhound look like?

General Appearance of the Greyhound

Greyhounds have a narrow head, long neck, deep chest, long muscular hindquarters, and a long slim tail.

They are tall, slender, graceful, smooth-coated dogs characterized by swiftness and keen sight. They have thin coats and are prone to getting the shivers if they aren't wearing a coat in the snow or rain.

Available in these colours

What colours do Greyhound come in?

Greyhound come in a variety of colours, including Black and White, Brindle, Dark Brindle, Fawn Brindle, Fawn, White and Black, White and Fawn, Fawn, Blue.

All about the

Greyhounds are thought to be among the oldest breeds and have long been associated with aristocracy. They were originally bred to hunt by sight. That is why they have such a wide field of vision. They were extremely popular for coursing antelopes, wolves, and deer. They have become a status symbol, as only the elite were permitted to own a Greyhound dog breed in 1016.

Greyhounds are graceful, gentle dogs known for their sweet temperament and sprinting abilities. They are polite, lanky, and sweet-tempered dogs are known for their docile demeanour and sleepy personalities. While they are tender by nature, their natural hunting instinct is always present, and this is something to look out for on them!

Greyhounds are the racehorses of the dog world, being incredibly fast, graceful, and elegant. These canines are muscular and well-built. Their racing history belies the fact that they enjoy the slow lane comforts of life and make excellent family pets. These dogs are calm and social indoors and can even be rather lazy.

All about the Greyhound adult stats


Low 60.00 KG

High 65.00 KG


Low 23.00 cm

High 26.00 cm


Low 65.00 KG

High 70.00 KG


Low 26.00 cm

High 30.00 cm


Characteristics & Tendencies:

Exercise needs
Grooming needs

Care and Maintenance


How much do
Greyhound eat?
4.00 to 5.00 cups of food a day


How much
exercise do they need?
40 to 60 Mins


Are they kid friendly? Greyhounds are gentle, laid back characters which make them great companions for children


Do they need a lot of space? Greyhounds don't need a lot of space but they do need a place of their own to retreat to when they wish to be alone

Frequently asked questions about the Greyhound.

Greyhounds have a short and thin coat that sheds minimally. However, because of their fine hair, they are also very easy to groom.

Brush them once a day to keep shedding to a minimum. They will enjoy being massaged with a hound mitt, also known as a rubber curry brush. Weekly brushing helps reduce the amount of hair in your home, and it keeps their plush coat healthy.

Grooming them would only take you a few minutes each week. Brush them weekly with a rubber grooming mitt or a brush with short, natural bristles.

A fine-toothed flea comb helps remove loose or dead hair. Their undercoat may come out in little thuds. Regular brushing will help keep shedding under control. With regular brushing, they shouldn?t need a bath more than every month or two.

Ears are an important area to check when you are grooming them, so if you smell an odour or see wax, clean the inner ear with a cotton ball, using a cleanser recommended by your veterinarian.

Your careful weekly assessment will help you recognise potential health problems shortly.

Greyhounds require at least one hour of exercise each day. Although backyard exercise is fine, daily walks provide them more mental and physical stimulation for your dog and aid in the development of a trusting relationship between you and your new pet. They will happily go on walks with their owner and also performs well in a number of canine sports, but they are just as glad to stay on the sofa all day.

Scheduled six-monthly health check visits with your vet are important to ensure they are healthy and happy throughout all life stages. In these annual visits, your vet will complete a physical examination, take your dog's temperature and check their heartbeat, among other things.

Routine maintenance for your dog gives you a chance to track your dog's growth and development, discuss any concerns with your vet, and form a key part of preventative care.

Greyhounds are gentle, low-key, and affectionate creatures. They make wonderful house pets. Greyhounds are intelligent, sweet, calm, gentle, and loving when it comes to children and adults.

Like most breeds, they will need proper and early socialization training because some have little to no experience with children. However, their cool temperament makes them attractive and fun for the family.

Greyhounds are a sensitive breed that does not tolerate punishment well. They do not respond well to traditional obedience training and, if not respected, will prefer instincts to train. Strong words and harsh treatment will only make them disregard their handlers. They are highly intelligent dogs, and they learn quickly. Avoid repeating things they already know.

Greyhounds have spent their entire lives with other dogs, so they enjoy the company of other dogs. Like all sighthounds, they have a strong instinct to chase.

But they can get along well with other pets as long as enough time is spent on socialization and training. Because they are gentle and docile by nature, they do well in homes with other non-aggressive pets.

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Optional Extra Benefits

During the application process You will be provided with the option to include Optional Extra Benefits that cover certain conditions and Treatments which are not otherwise covered under the Policy.


The Optional Extra Benefits are:

Alternative Therapies, Behavioural Problems, and Dental Illness.


Examples of Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy

Examples of Behavioural Problems: Excessive licking, fur pulling, pacing and destructive


Examples of Dental Illnesses: Dental diseases, gingivitis, periodontal disease.